
Reporting Options

Formal Complaint:

A Formal Complaint may be filed with the Title IX Coordinator in person, by mail, or by electronic mail, by using the contact information listed for the Title IX Coordinator above. A ‘‘document filed by a Complainant’’ means a document or electronic submission (such as by electronic mail or through an online portal provided for this purpose by the University) that contains the Complainant’s physical or digital signature, or otherwise indicates that the Complainant is the person filing the Formal Complaint. Where the Title IX Coordinator signs a Formal Complaint, the Title IX Coordinator is not a Complainant or otherwise a party. A Formal Complaint shall trigger an investigation except as specified below. The Formal Complaint should include the date(s) of the alleged incident(s), the name of the Respondent, and should describe the circumstances of the incident(s), where known.

Please Note: Amnesty Policy- An individual who participates as a Complainant or witness in an investigation of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking will not be subject to disciplinary sanctions for a violation of the University’s student conduct policy at or near the time of the incident, unless the University determines that the violation was egregious, including, but not limited to, an action that places the health or safety of any other person at risk or involves plagiarism, cheating, or academic dishonesty.

Other reporting options include:

1. File a Report with the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department or Local Law Enforcement

Students who survived a sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, or stalking incident that took place on or off-campus and want to file a sexual assault report with the police can call 911. The Ventura County Sheriff’s Department can assist in filing a restraining order if requested. The survivor may request that the police investigate the crime and gather evidence for legal purposes at the time of the incident. The longer the survivor waits, the evidence for legal purposes the police will be able to obtain becomes weaker. However, it is important that there at least be an incident report on file if the survivor would later decide to take further action. The survivor may request that the police not investigate the crime itself but rather maintain the information of the crime and its particulars in its regular reservoir of crime data.

2. File a Report with Campus Safety: 805-493-3911

For an incident that took place on-campus, students can contact Campus Safety.  Campus Safety Officers are on duty 24 hours a day and 7 days a week and will initiate an investigation. Campus Safety officers will respond quickly and with sensitivity upon notification of the incident.  At the discretion of the survivor, Campus Safety will assist in filing a report with the police

3. File a Report with Residence Life and Student Conduct: 805-493-3220

Whether a student elects to report a sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, or stalking to the police, he or she is urged to make an official report directly with a professional staff member in Residence Life and Student Conduct. Coordinators for Residence Life and Student Conduct and Graduate Resident Directors can assist in this process, particularly if the report is being filed after normal business hours. Any Resident Assistant (RA) can assist with getting in touch with a professional staff member at Residence Life and Student Conduct. For the Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary Campus, the equivalents of Residence Assistants are the Dormitory and Apartments Building Managers.

Residence Life and Student Conduct staff will first suggest that the student attend to any medical needs immediately. The student will be provided with information regarding hospital procedures and available resources. Accompaniment to the hospital will be provided if desired by the student. The student will be assisted in contacting a support person such as a friend, if desired.  If so requested by the survivor and if such changes are reasonably available, assistance in changing academic and living situations after an alleged incident is available.

4. Decline to File a Report

The student has the right not to file a report. However, students are highly encouraged to seek medical attention, including counseling, either on-campus or off-campus. Students who wish to file a report at a later date may do so by contacting Residence Life and Student Conduct and/or Campus Safety when they are ready. They can also file a report with the Ventura County Sherriff’s Department should they choose to do so in the future. Please note that a delay in reporting could weaken evidence for legal purposes used to determine whether an individual is responsible for a sexual assault. Please note that if a student declines to file a report, the institution still maintains an obligation to provide a safe, non-discriminatory environment for all students and will still move forward with conducting an investigation.